Monday, July 5, 2021

Flash Fiction - The People's Friend - #PFWritingHour June 8th

As I dipped down beneath the waves, my hair spread out amongst the seaweed, tawny strands braided with reds and greens. Pebbles gleamed with a thousand shades of joy and peeking between them were tiny jelly lumps. 

Beyond, the waters were deep. Endless. I grasped at the shadows, greedy to know, wanting to dive and feel the needle shimmer of little fishes tickle my arms. Orange claws poked out, sand billowing into mist. A dark shape heaved past, as heavy as a crashing wave.

It twisted, whiskers flicking as if laughing at me. Tiny bubbles darted away, and I knew my time in this other world was short. The hands around my ankles tightened, heaved, and I erupted from the sea.

My brother staggered back, his straw boater kicked off as we fell together, entangled in my petticoats. Sand crunched beneath, gritty grains smearing across my palm. Mother raced towards us, waving her parasol and shouting just what did we think we were doing.

A flash fiction I really enjoyed writing during The People's Friend #PFWritingHour on twitter :)

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